Corona Virus Update
We survived! Many local, national and international martial arts clubs and organisations have not survived the world wide pandemic. We have!
The landlord of our hall agreed to terms with me at the beginning of the lock down last year.
We have also adhered to the guidelines set out by the Martial Arts Industry Association. Hygiene remains in place, so too does our diary of attendance to our club, including temperature checks and documentation. In terms of class population we are not quite back to pre-pandemic numbers, but well on the way. There have also been invoicing delays which I will go into more detail later in this newsletter. Grading examinations have also been delayed. So we still have some catching up to do, but well ont he way. There are also exciting projects on the way.
I wish to thank every one for your ongoing support to our club.
Special congratulations goes to Joshua Borazio, Clive and Daniel Stacey. With Clive as camera man, the boys have started tutorial videos on Hapkido; and they have been smashing it. Get on board and have a look, leave feedback, like and share the videos to friends and family.
Would you like $50.00 cash?
For 2021, the club finders fee will be $50.00. Sign up a new student and YOU receive a $50.00 finders fee when they sign up! It’s that easy! Go and support your club!
Grading Examinations
Grading is now set for Thursday July 15. Senior Grand Master Sung Soo Lee (9th dan Korea Hapkido, 9th dan Korea Kukkiwon) will be attending the night as examiner. Grading forms will be issued over the next two weeks. All forms and feed must be submitted before the grading night. General colour belt grading is $90 for single grade, or $150 for double grading. Grading must be cash only please.
Training Invoicing
All invoicing is now up to date and will be issued of the coming week. While I knew there was monies owing to the club, I didn’t expect the number to be so high. The reason for this delay has been solely my fault. I go into why this is the case below. Please update your fees as possible. The club is in no financial difficulty; just need to get everything back up to date.
AJS Website
There has been some activity in the back ground to update our website. While this will take some time to be completed, there will be updated formatting coming through soon. Stay tuned.
An app is being developed for our club by Phil Thomas. It is still in its infancy but the fundamentals of the project have been mind blowing. I have shown some students this draft format, and the feedback is over the top. Sensational work Phil. A long way to go yet, but as invoicing gets back up to date, we can better resource the project to completion.
AJS Self Defence Instagram
As noted earlier, Josh and Daniel have posted tutorial videos on our Instagram account. It can be found as ajs_self_defence. Please have a look and share on your account. Big thank you to Clive Stacey for patiently working the camera, and his cameo performance.
AJS Self Defence YouTube Channel
For those who do not know, we also have our YouTube channel active, and has been for so many years. Here you find quite a few videos from our club and association. I also added some videos through the lock down in 2020. It was also utilised to publicise my sons football team which AJS Self Defence sponsored back in 2015 (this the football jersey framed on our wall). This publicity was available to all club members of Kellyville Bushrangers Rugby League Club and is still currently being viewed (Matt Doorey now plays for Bulldogs).
New Training Night
Commencing June 25th 2021, AJS will be re-opening Friday night training. Phase one will be for senior level belts only. This class will be a combination of Taekwondo and Hapkido. However, if interest is demonstrated, we can consider an additional general class as well. Also, our Hapkido classes on Mondays and Thursdays are near full. If this trend continues we will consider starting an additional Hapkido class on Wednesday evenings.
Mental Health Awareness
On a personal level, as some students are parents are aware, I have been dealing with some personal issues over the last 12 to 18 months. This has come about through family issues, moving to the Central Coast, the rescue of a friend from domestic violence and employment concerns. These four issues have been shifting in and out of my sub conscious causing issues with my concentration, short term memory and general motivation. This has resulted in the lack on invoicing; although as noted before, the club is in a secure financial position. It has also delayed grading examinations. Senior Grand Master Sung Soo Lee wants me to apply for 8th dan in both Hapkido and Taekwondo. As a recent meeting he understands that I am not ready as yet, but soon.
Mental health is as real as a cut finger or belly ache. It can be difficult to detect in someone, and often harder to detect for the person to see themselves. It is also often difficult to resolve as the brain works at its own pace.
If you have troubles, or see others with such troubles, don’t be shy to shout out or ask if they are OK. Communication is one of the ways the brain resolves its own health issues. Never be scared to talk to your doctor or GP if you need help. That is what they are there for.